Thursday, June 17, 2004

Loop de Loop!

I was just driving around aimlessly the other day when I came upon the Shootball Court, home of the buggy Sumo Wrestling. So I decided, what the heck, may as well go in since I've not been in there for a month or so.

So I go up the ramp as usual, to get on top of the cage. And, what do I see there? A "loop de loop"!! Memories of childhood flooded back. I remember the old SF's series of Matchbox racing tracks I used to play which had jumps (ramps) and loops.

Now, eversince I've started making race courses I have always wondered about how I could achieve a loop de loop. Now I've found it - in Shop Central.

So I bought it, and immediately went about testing how not to let people cheat on it, ie avoid the loop cos almost nobody's going to be any good in it. Even for me, I fell out of the loop a few times during practice runs. The crux of the problem is the camera view - it takes time to "catch up". Even when you do a spinning jump, your buggy will spin faster than the camera can pan, which usually causes dis-orientation for most people.

What they should have done is to get a loop-de-loop with sides, like the overpass thing. That way all you needed to do was just to hit turbo and accelerate, and not worry about being flung off at the apex of the loop, when you are directly upside-down and the camera hasn't caught up with you yet.

Well I guess I will have to either:

  1. Erase an old layout so I can make a new course with this loop
  2. Modify an existing course and add the loop in somewhere for a new twist

I dunno. I want to do this tonight, but City Of Heroes may be arriving tonight and I have to go to Tecdrome tonight and pick it up if it does arrive.


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