Saturday, June 05, 2004

My 5th Racecourse

I did it! YAY! Island View hasn't been behaving weird too much recently and I have been able to lay out my 5th racecourse layout. It isn't as tough as the previous ones but it does sport 2 tricky parts. Total length is 1254.2 metres (1 kilometre, 254.2 metres)

I saw that DarkEmerald did come in the night before but since then I have not been able to catch her online. She did a pretty good time - 1.22, but unfortunately due to me laying out the new racecourse, her time was wiped.

I hope the zone continues to behave properly so that I can lay out course number 6 sometime soon.

Oh by the way, my buggies haven't made it in-world yet :( Geesh this waiting is killing me!!


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