Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Endurance Rally

I recently took part in Thoreau's Tiki Islands Endurance Rally. Boy, was it a long one! It consist of 4 legs, stretching from the isolated islands up above Motu Motu, all the way down south past Nada to the little speck of land out in the ocean south of Nada.

In total it took me 4 hours and 16 minutes to complete the whole thing. The most difficult part was perhaps leg 3, where I had to look for a checkpoint out in the middle of the ocean. I think I spent like 30 mins looking for it, doubling back a couple of times to the previous checkpoint just to make sure I didn't miss it.

In any case on my 3rd trip out again from the same checkpoint, I found it. I could have gotten a better time, perhaps 3 hours 46 minutes, if I hadn't got lost on this one single checkpoint... oh well!

I gotta remember to tell DarkEmerald about this tonight! I know she'd love to go on this!


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